TriestAI enables businesses to make data driven decisions
by unlocking the hidden facts, trends, patterns, concepts and other valuable elements
from their textual (open ended) feedback from Sales, Channel & Customers
by unlocking the hidden facts, trends, patterns, concepts and other valuable elements
from their textual (open ended) feedback from Sales, Channel & Customers
About Us

About Us
The experience, knowledge and expertise of the sales, channel & customer community is typically overlooked and not considered as it is in the form of open ended feedback (textual data) related to the sales challenges, product
feedback and review, promotional effectiveness and customer feedback. Deriving insights from such large volumes of textual data is challenging.
TriestAI an enterprise SaaS (software as a Service) that enable businesses to uncover the hidden and often overlooked nuggets of textual information residing in the sales, marketing, channel & customer community. Insights can include hidden patterns, themes, language, sentiment analysis, key concepts and actionable insights. Our cutting edge Text Classification solutions are designed to use machine learning and natural language processing to automatically extract relevant insights with dashboards, charts and data visualization for better interpretation with accuracy and ease.
Our team has a vast experience in Sales and have identified that there is tacit knowledge in the field in the form of soft and anecdotal information that is not effectively captured, analyzed and used in the decision making process. This coupled with our Data Scientist and AI/ML experts have been able to leverage technology to build solutions for business professional. We are dedicated to addressing the pressing need and the importance of Textual (open ended) Feedback to unlock the growth potential and driving success.
TriestAI an enterprise SaaS (software as a Service) that enable businesses to uncover the hidden and often overlooked nuggets of textual information residing in the sales, marketing, channel & customer community. Insights can include hidden patterns, themes, language, sentiment analysis, key concepts and actionable insights. Our cutting edge Text Classification solutions are designed to use machine learning and natural language processing to automatically extract relevant insights with dashboards, charts and data visualization for better interpretation with accuracy and ease.
Our team has a vast experience in Sales and have identified that there is tacit knowledge in the field in the form of soft and anecdotal information that is not effectively captured, analyzed and used in the decision making process. This coupled with our Data Scientist and AI/ML experts have been able to leverage technology to build solutions for business professional. We are dedicated to addressing the pressing need and the importance of Textual (open ended) Feedback to unlock the growth potential and driving success.
Why Us:
Text Analytics is important so as to uncover from the open-ended feedback insights
to address Sales, Marketing, Product & Customer related issues in the market
to address Sales, Marketing, Product & Customer related issues in the market
Traditional Approach to Text Analytics
The traditional approach to Analysis of Textual Feedback -
- Word Frequency / Cloud
- Sentiment Analysis
- Topic Modeling / Key Word Extraction
Without the context it is just a piece of information i.e. Sentiment Analysis, Phrase Tagging and pulling themes or patterns from a text can only inform so much.
TriestAI Approach to Text Analytics
Delivers Actionable Insights for specific Business Objectives by uncovering key clusters / themes relevant for the specific issue by understanding of -
- Meaning of the sentence
- Ordering of the Sentence
- Sentiment
- Context of Sentence
Richer Insights derived from the feedback and represent the ‘Key Themes’ related to areas of Actionability and informed Decision Making.
Without the context it is just a piece of information i.e. Sentiment Analysis, Phrase Tagging and pulling themes or patterns from a text can only inform so much.
Richer Insights derived from the feedback and represent the ‘Key Themes’ related to areas of Actionability and informed Decision Making.
Contact Us:
TriestAI, Inc.
2633 Lincoln Blvd., # 416
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Ph: (310) 906-6033
TriestAI, Inc.
2633 Lincoln Blvd., # 416
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Ph: (310) 906-6033
Uncover Valuable Insights from your Sales, Channel & Customers Feedback Request a Demo